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Strawberry Fieldhouse

Bethany Camp is excited to announce that we are moving forward with building the next structure of our Moving Forward campaign: the Strawberry Fieldhouse!




Stage One will involve building the main gym area, and the smaller side structures surrounding it that are necessary to ensure the building survives the winter. We hope to begin this stage as soon as possible and have it completed before the winter begins.


$290,000 Goal has been met!!





Stage two involves building the rest of the surrounding pieces around the gym and completing the structure of the main building. This would complete the main frame of the building, and get us ready to finish and furnish the building.


Goal $210,000

$35,000 still needed


Stage 3


Stage three will involve all the finishing and furnishing of the building. It will include all the equipment for the meeting room, the gym, the Bistro, tables, chairs, etc.

Goal: $100,000

The last step in the Moving Forward Campaign is a new recreation building.  Praise the Lord for the progress that has taken place over the last year and a half as the site was prepared in the fall of 2022.  Construction began in the fall of 2023 with the main gym structure built.  This spring we continued and we are currently working on the camp side of the building by constructing the new meeting room and bathroom areas.  Construction will continue through the summer and fall with the goal of having the entire structure up by winter.  We are very grateful for all who have given sacrificially and those who have come to assist as we keep moving forward on this valuable addition to the camp.



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